Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.

Michael Jordon

The future holds endless possibilities and I'm excited to explore them with you.

I'm passionate about the power of collaboration. I thrive on working with like-minded industry professionals who share my vision for innovation, creativity, and excellence. Whether it's being part of a dynamic project cohort or embarking on a leadership programme, I relish the opportunity to join forces and bring something remarkable into the world.

Why Collaborate with Me?

Shared Enthusiasm: I'm excited about working with individuals and teams who are as passionate about their fields as I am. Our shared enthusiasm fuels our collective drive to create exceptional results.

Diverse Expertise: I believe in the strength of diversity. My collaborations encompass a wide range of industries, talents, and experiences. This diversity allows us to approach challenges from multiple angles and craft innovative solutions.

Innovation & Impact: I'm not satisfied with the status quo. Collaborating with me means a commitment to pushing boundaries, embracing change, and making a lasting impact in your industry.

Ways I Collaborate

I have a niche group of coaches where we join skill sets, to deliver coaching support to both leaders and individuals.

I work with a select group of training providers to deliver courses and be part of their UK and global delivery team. Current projects are fully remote, over Zoom and delivered to UK, Europe, China, USA and APAC.


Get in Touch

If you share my enthusiasm and are ready to embark on a collaborative journey, I'd love to hear from you. Contact me to discuss potential collaborations, partnerships, or to simply have a conversation about how we can work together to make a meaningful impact.

I have held the role of Co-Coaching Facilitator (CCF) for nearly a decade, supporting coaches personal development in their local areas and driving standards across the industry.

In 2021, I took on the additional role of Lead CCF, where I support other CCF's across the UK, France, Nordics, APAC

Brainy Podcasts. I am super proud of this collaboration with the wonderful Soraya Shaw MSc, Neuroscientist; my neuroscientist tutor, coach and now, friend. Together, we have navigated our way through the world of podcasting to create www.brainycasts.com. Our first series explores creativity and innovation; what is it, who has it and how can we utilise it more.